the Privacy Helper

Class Detail

Course: Guided Project Studio, Special Topics, Design for Community

Faculty: Jillann Hertel Del Tejo

Designer: Sungeun (Harry) Bae Major: BS-Computational Media

Additional Support by CoLab

Visit: Privacy Helper Project


Recent social media controversies have shed light on company privacy issues. In this age of algorithmic polarization, how can you ensure your information is private and protected? Learn how to better protect yourself online with our Privacy Helper Project.

Through frequent thoughts about how our School teaches and develops media ambassadors, makers, and leaders combined with how little we (humans in general) invest in understanding the external platforms where we freely give away our data. I began working from the basic premise that most people won't give up, say Instagram, but I wondered: if privacy disclosures were less, a lengthy scroll of tiny text and rather more visual and bite-sized in nature; perhaps we (as media makers, humanists, and scholars) could help others to better protect themselves online and understand a bit more about the mechanisms at work. Bringing together students from both of our undergraduate programs for a multi-pronged design and product, which the exceptional Harry Bae created, we bring you the Privacy Helper Project. The student team assisted with research, testing, communication, outreach, copy writing, and the surveying of peers.


  • Graphic Design, Web Design, Social Media, Research, Community Engagement, Copy writing, Copy editing, Ethics, Media
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